The view from here:
The people to fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are too cowardly to let you know.
-Napoleon Bonaparte
"Janne Bhi Do, Yaaro!"
(Just Let It Go, Friends!)
It has been almost two years since I first wrote that (in)famous 'open letter' to the then IAP President regarding irregularities in the functioning of the Immunization Committee of the Academy, the role of industry and the conduct of the Office Bearers (OBs). It created a turmoil the Academy. The rest is history. A dispassionate consideration gave way to physical intimidation and verbal abuse. Shocked by the turn of events, the academy revolted against the attitude of the coterie. More issues got added and a full blown war broke out. The social media became the battle field of the academy. Eventually the final battle was fought through the ballot box and the scores got settled. A new dispensation emerged and hope surged for some new paths to emerge. Many rejoiced the emergence of a new dawn. A flurry of academic activities were launched that ran throughout the year.

A view of IAP EB meeting in Nagpur during PEDICON
Today, as I reflect back, I often wonder whether there has been the change that I had sought. When I scrolled-down that old letter, I realized that certain core issues pertaining to the ethics, constitutionality and the propriety still remain 'unaddressed'. I also remember my brief address to the EB members in Nagpur when I was re-inducted in the Academy. "The names are not important. I didn't have any personal fight against any particular person but my crusade was on certain issues, which were and still are very close to my heart. Hopefully, the new team will address them on priority so that such incidents are not repeated in future". Many who talked about them at length then, do not consider it worth discussing now. Perhaps the narrative is lost, and the debate is over.
The matter also reached the Medical Council of India (MCI). They refused to take cognizance on the ground that the concerned person was not discharging his professional duties at the time of the incidence even as the MCI Code Of Ethics Regulations 2002,1.1.2 & 8.1 clearly states that "a physician should be an upright man......,should be modest, sober, patient, ......conducting himself with propriety in his profession and in all the actions of his life". Instead it issued a caution to act with 'dignity' in future so that the professional image of the doctors is maintained!
During the hearing, the chairman of the ethics committee of MCI wondered why the whole matter was being brought to its notice i.e. “outside the academy”? Why was not the issue settled within the association? Settled within the association? Indeed, it was being sought to be settled within the association with verbal abuse and physical intimidation by the OBs with a co-professional and colleague, throwing to the winds all norms of propriety that the MCI code of ethics seeks of. For what purposes these committees are constituted if they cannot decide on the violation of their own code of conduct! Where is the will to act and enforce your own writ? The MCI is so conditioned to looking the other way that it has lost its credibility. No wonder, it is set to meet the fate that it so deservedly does.

So, was the whole exercise a futile one? A failure? May be yes, to a certain extent, if the present outcome is taken into account. But, the whole travail was not entirely unrewarding.

Felicitation by the 'Alliance of Doctors for Ethical Healthcare' during the first National conference on Ethical healthcare 2018 in AIIMS, New Delhi.
During this onerous effort, I (and the issues that I had raised) got tremendous support from different sections - some from the most unexpected quarters. And also found few exceptional 'gems' who stood by me like a rock throughout my struggle. While they may not be quite vocal today, many of them would be hoping that the core issues get decided and are not treated cosmetically only.
Probably, the issues like ethics, propriety, corruption, etc are not easy to resolve, and associations are no exception. These issues take a long and sustained efforts of churning. Therefore, should the crusade be kept going? Or is it time to just forget and move forward? Or to launch yet another campaign? Against our 'own' people? Tough prospect! Or should we say the easiest thing "Janne bhi do yaaro!" This is also the easiest way to overlook our weaknesses till they create a blast.
-Vipin M. Vashishtha
Bijnor, December 15, 2018.
I believe in getting into hot water. I think it keeps you clean.
-G. K. Chesterton