Why The Academy Needs A Piyush Gupta Now More Than Ever Before?

Prof. Piyush Gupta
It was in 2001 when I first got elected for IAP EB without contest from UP. I contested the EB once again next year and got elected the second time garnering highest votes amongst all contestants. Probably, somewhere unconsciously, there was a desire to contest for the top post sometime in future. But frankly speaking, I could not ever convince myself to go to the grind. Admittedly, requesting or pleading for votes is quite 'embarrassing'. You have to have a thick skin (and courage), to virtually beg for the votes, sometimes even from people you would normally be not very comfortable speaking to. Further, you need to be diplomatic most of the time and avoid taking a stand on any given issue. You should not voice your concerns that may upset a large section of your colleagues. You need to clap loudly to even a trivial achievement of some of the prominent members. Also applaud the office bearers for any of their insignificant acts. And, you should also not forget to wish your colleagues on every single religious occasion or National days. All in all, one has to 'transform' his/her individuality and persona before even thinking of filing the papers. It was an uphill task, and I had no other option but to shelve the idea, probably for ever.
So when I first heard about the news of Piyush Gupta (PG) contesting the upcoming IAP election, it came as a 'pleasant' surprise (since many of us were actually requesting him to contest for quite some time but he was firm on not entering the fray). But later going through his social media feeds on his campaign trail, and realizing that he is also adopting some of the usual tricks described above, I just wondered why?
Why should he also follow the same path? Should he also visit the different IAP branches in different cities and towns for canvassing, just like any other aspirant? I do remember one of the IAP presidents in recent times travelled so extensively to almost every nook and corner, covering almost every region of the country that no other candidate could muster enough courage to face him in a possible contest! So should PG also repeat the same? After all, the elections are a democratic process and contestants have a right to canvass in their own style. Is it wrong if he too follows the same time tested process that many other successful aspirants in the past had followed?
These questions arise because he is not just another member who aspires to be the president of the association! He is Piyush Gupta - a man whose services are needed by the Academy at this point of time more than that of any other contestant. In fact, the Academy needs him more than the other way round. Now, I will explain why it is important for PG to be there as a president of a premiere academic body.
It is important because it will give the academicians who have been shunned away from contesting owing to the huge sums involved in the electioneering that has become a very expensive exercise now, and the costs are running in several lacs, if not in millions! It will reinstate the academicians as the top decision makers in the functioning of an academic body. It will restore the status of the IAP not only truly as an academic body but being run also by the academicians. The interest of the academicians will be rekindled in the Academy's affairs and they will start devoting more time on the advocacy on child health issues and improvement in pediatric education through the association.
Therefore, although to me it appears that he need not follow the beaten path, there have been several past occasions when even renowned academicians had suffered ignominy of election defeats. It is quite imperative that 'pure'/true academician gets elected to the top post on the other hand, the IAP elections have become highly expensive, extravagant affairs. Either you have to have deep links with the industry or have recently been the organizing secretary of a national conference! So the 'prerequisites' for a prospective candidate have changed altogether. One may argue that being a democratic organization, any ordinary member can file his/her paper for the contest. And they are also entitled to run their campaigns by using all the available means. But then, IAP is not just any other organization. It is one of the largest, and may be the greatest organization of the healthcare professionals who aspire to 'serve' the vast population of the children of this country. The leadership and the office-bearers aspire to become advocates of child rights and child survival, and wish to guide the government on various issues dogging the children and paediatrics as a specialty. This organization is not meant to deal with the petty/mundane issues dealing with the practice of their members. This aspect ought to be taken care of by their big brother, the IMA.
Or maybe, my perception/belief is wrong and outdated. And, probably, not synced with the reality. The ability to generate funds, organize events, and win over people who matter including foes are few of the virtues considered as mandatory requirement for a worthy contestant! And the academic brilliance, ethicality, honesty, transparency, etc have become secondary considerations.
Indeed, there are many more things left to this organization than merely conducting elections and organizing conferences. And for these 'filler activities' we need great minds and statesmen like PG who is an educationist, a philosopher; a candid and honest person, a great believer in ethics and values. Modest, yet firm enough to take a stand. A totally non-partisan person and, above all, a pure gem as a human being. I think it would be a sort of a felicitation from the Academy itself if all other candidates withdraw their candidature and offer him a 'safe passage' rather than embarrassing him to go down the usual grind of electioneering and compromise on his beliefs and values!
I am signing off this blog with a disclaimer. Nobody, I do repeat, nobody has asked me to write this blog. Even PG is not aware of this. This is an 'impromptu burst' of thoughts on a cloudy, rainy day. And of course, there is no quid pro quo!
-Vipin M. Vashishtha