All the best, NOIDA!
January 2021 is just a year away. The countdown for the National Pedicon at Noida has begun. Remain assured that the chilly winds of North India at that time will be reciprocated in equal measure with the warmth of the hosts in Noida.
Incidentally, this is the fourth Pedicon to be held in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The first was in 1972 in Agra, the second in 1974 in Kanpur and the third in 1989 in Agra again. So, it is nearly after three decades that UP is getting an opportunity to welcome Pediatricians from all over the country.
The first two Pedicons held in Uttar Pradesh i.e. 1972 (Agra) and 1974 (Kanpur) were held in the medical college campuses. Even the delegates stayed in hostels and wards of the College/ Hospitals, but the 1989 conference in Agra was held in a five star hotel. Only one hotel was sufficient to accommodate the delegates and also hold all the scientific sessions.

There were no computers in that era. Even the typewriters were manual. The organizers had to maintain large bulky registers for registration, accommodation etc. The correspondence was mostly by postal mail. The lunches and dinners were laid down in the grounds/ lawns of the colleges/ hotel. Banquet was different from the dinners. It was more formal with seating arrangements and toasts were raised in the customary manner. There was no loud music or dances in the dinners. One or two evenings had a cultural program which was mostly by local or regional artists. The pharmas organized only exhibition stalls and there were no amusement parks and playgrounds. Few stalls were arranged for shopping of the local products especially momentos, artisan products and sweets etc.
Things have changed now. The Pedicons are longer and much more elaborate. The sessions need to be spread out in different locations. Therefore, herculean task awaits the organizing team. But, we are sure that they will be able to deliver their best. Noida is a new, modern city with all the infrastructure needed for a successful scientific meet. Delhi, Vrindavan, Agra are additional tourist attractions.
Wishing all good luck to the organizers and the UP State Branch of IAP.
Visit http://www.pedicon2021noida.com/index.php for more details.
- Ajay Kalra, 58,Khandari Road, Agra-282 002